
Showing posts from April, 2024

Session 14: Review

  Review Lesson Objectives: By the end of this class, we are going to review the last six units in order to complete the final written test.  Agenda:  Student Satisfaction Survey.  Review vocabulary: quantity expressions.  Routines - dates and time.  Grammar: do/does, have/has.  Task 1: Vocabulary Look at the picture and mention what you see.  Useful Language I see a bag of chips . There is a piece of chocolate cake .  There are some…  According to the picture, answer these questions:  Create the questions in case the statements are false.  Task 2: Grammar: verb to be Let’s answer the questions: Are you at home?  Are you a student?  Are you a doctor?  Is today Christmas?   Task 3: Vocabulary In break out rooms, let’s look at the pictures. Click HERE .  Create a sentence using the structures we studied: I wake up at 8:30 am on Monday.   I have breakfast at 7 am on Saturdays.   Ask questions to your classmates:  When do you have free time?  Do you always get up at 9am?   Task 4: Simple

Session 13: Unit 12

Unit 12 Lesson Objectives: By the end of this class, we are going to learn food vocabulary to create short conversations in a restaurant.  Agenda :  Review simple present. Review vocabulary: routines. Vocabulary: food.  Grammar: quantity expressions.  Speaking: ordering in a restaurant.  Grammar: some and any.  Task 1: Review simple present Let’s create sentences in simple present by using this chart:  Task 2: Daily activities, time, and simple present… Look at Richard’s activities.  Mentioned when he does them.  . Task 3: New unit: 12 - Food Let’s discuss:  What is your favorite food?  Where can you eat it?  What are some traditional foods from Costa Rica?  Let’s click HERE , so together we can complete an activity.  Task 4: Listening about food! Make a copy by clicking HERE .  Click HERE for the audio.  Work individually, and then share your answers with your partner.  Task 5: Grammar: Quantity Expressions Discuss: What do you like for breakf