Session 13: Unit 12

Unit 12

Lesson Objectives:

By the end of this class, we are going to learn food vocabulary to create short conversations in a restaurant. 


  • Review simple present.

  • Review vocabulary: routines.

  • Vocabulary: food. 

  • Grammar: quantity expressions. 

  • Speaking: ordering in a restaurant. 

  • Grammar: some and any. 

Task 1: Review simple present

  1. Let’s create sentences in simple present by using this chart: 

Task 2: Daily activities, time, and simple present…

  1. Look at Richard’s activities. 

  2. Mentioned when he does them. 


Task 3: New unit: 12 - Food

  1. Let’s discuss: 

What is your favorite food? 

Where can you eat it? 

What are some traditional foods from Costa Rica? 

  1. Let’s click HERE, so together we can complete an activity. 

Task 4: Listening about food!

  1. Make a copy by clicking HERE

  2. Click HERE for the audio. 

  3. Work individually, and then share your answers with your partner. 

Task 5: Grammar: Quantity Expressions


What do you like for breakfast? 

What do you like for lunch? 

Task 6: Grammar: Quantity Expressions

  1. To practice quantity expressions, click HERE

  2. Then, interview your classmate about what he/she likes: click HERE

Take notes because you will present your partner’s diet. Tell us if it is or not healthy. 

Task 7: Discuss

  1. Take a look at the picture, do you know what is it? 

  1. Discuss: 

Are there food trucks in our country? Is there in your city? 

Do you buy food on the street? 

Task 8: Discuss

  1. Together let’s listen to this dialogue: 

  1. Check this useful language: 

Task 9: Grammar: some and any

  1. Check the grammar: 


Do you have any apples? 

Do you have any pineapples? 

Do you want some coffee? (the person loves coffee)

  1. Let’s practice together. Click HERE

Task 10: Listening!

  1. Let’s improve our listening skills. Click HERE. Listen to the audio, and complete “Check your understanding: multiple choice” and “Check your understanding: reordering”.

  2. Depending on your group, click on the link. Create a 5 minute conversation. 

Pretend you are in a restaurant, and your partner is a waitress/ waiter. 






Task 11: Let’s review!

  1. Together, let’s read a text. Click HERE. Complete the blank spaces with the words. 

  2. Which one show I use: any or some. Let’s see by clicking HERE

Task 12: Let’s review!

  1. Click HERE to review the word order of quantities. 

  2. Let’s watch a video by clicking HERE. Then, discuss these questions: 

What does the first customer order?

How does the first customer want their coffee served?

What kind of tea does the second customer order?

What item is the second customer unable to order because it's out of stock?

How does the third customer plan to pay for their bill?

The dialogue ends at 2:45 min, but you can check the whole video for the useful expressions. 

Task 14: Let’s review!

  1. In the main room, let’s discuss: 

Ask your partner! 


Ask your teacher for today's feedback.

Exit ticket!

What did you learn today?


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