Session 14: Review


Lesson Objectives:

By the end of this class, we are going to review the last six units in order to complete the final written test. 


  • Student Satisfaction Survey. 

  • Review vocabulary: quantity expressions. 

  • Routines - dates and time. 

  • Grammar: do/does, have/has. 

Task 1: Vocabulary

  1. Look at the picture and mention what you see. 

Useful Language

I see a bag of chips.

There is a piece of chocolate cake

There are some… 

  1. According to the picture, answer these questions: 

Create the questions in case the statements are false. 

Task 2: Grammar: verb to be

Let’s answer the questions:

Are you at home? 

Are you a student? 

Are you a doctor? 

Is today Christmas? 

Task 3: Vocabulary

  1. In break out rooms, let’s look at the pictures. Click HERE

  2. Create a sentence using the structures we studied:

I wake up at 8:30 am on Monday. 

I have breakfast at 7 am on Saturdays. 

  1. Ask questions to your classmates: 

When do you have free time? 

Do you always get up at 9am? 

Task 4: Simple Present: positive and negative sentences

  1. Look at the following words, create sentences by mixing them. 

He / eat

It / work

You / write

We / dance

  1. How would they be negative? 

Task 5: Simple Present: positive and negative sentences

  1. Let’s practice the simple present. Click HERE

  2. Then, please click HERE

Task 6: Simple Present - questions

  1. Look at the pictures and place the corresponding questions in each one. 

  1. Write the missing question words. 

Task 7: Simple Present - questions

  1. In breakout rooms, create questions according to the words you have in the chart. 

  1. Let’s do a last practice by clicking HERE


Ask your teacher for today's feedback!

Exit ticket!

Are you ready for the test?


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