Session 6: Unit 6

Unit 6

Lesson Objectives:

By the end of this class, we will be able to talk about countries and nationalities. 


  • Check previous vocabulary and grammar. 

  • New vocabulary.

  • New grammar: be + adjective / be + adjective + noun 

  • Speaking.

  • Listening.

Task 1:

  1. Let’s look at the map and discuss:

Is there a theater? 

Are there bus stops? 

Is there a Chinese restaurant?

Are there drugstores? 

Yes, there is a _________________.

Yes, there are _________________.

No, there isn’t a ______________.

No, there are not ________________.

Task 2:

  1. Let’s read the next directions:

Where do we get? 

Turn right and go straight on Main Street. Turn left on Davis Street. It is in front of the travel agent. 

Turn left and go straight on Main Street. Turn left on Maple Street. It is next to the Chinese restaurant. 

Turn right and go straight on Main Street. It is next to the Italian restaurant. 

  1. Your turn! Give a direction, so your partner can guess the place. 

Unit 6

Task 3:

  1. Let’s analyze:

Which country are you in now? 

What is your nationality? 

What countries are near Costa Rica? 

Where are you from? 

I am in ________.

I am _____________.

I am from _____________.

Task 4:

  1. In the main room, let’s see how much you know about flags. Click HERE

  2. Listen and repeat. We are going to learn new vocabulary. Click HERE

Task 5:

  1. Let’s practice nationalities. Click HERE

  2. Then, click HERE for an extra practice. 

Task 6: Listening!

  1. Please, click HERE to create a copy. 

  2. Then, write down your answers according to the listening.

Task 7: Grammar

Task 8: Grammar

  1. Please, click HERE to practice the adjectives.

  2. Complete exercise D, page 38. 

Task 9: Grammar

Task 10: Grammar

  1. Let’s discuss: 

Task 11: Grammar

  1. Click HERE to practice the grammar of questions.  

  2. Click HERE to practice speaking. 

Useful Language

He is from Austria.

He is German.

Task 12: Let’s review!

  1. Together, let’s review the grammar. 

  2. Click HERE


Task 13: Let’s review!

  1. Let’s look at the pictures, mention where they are and mention 2 adjectives. 

Click HERE.


Ask your teacher for today's feedback.

Exit ticket!

Which one is your favorite? I like ….

Would you like to go? I would like to go to …


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