Session 8: Review Units 1 - 6


Units 1 - 6

Lesson Objectives:

By the end of this class, we will be able to complete the first written test. 


  • Imperatives. 

  • Numbers.

  • Vocabulary related to school. 

  • Verb to be.

  • Directions. 

Task 1: Let’s review Imperatives!

  1. Please, click HERE and write down your answers through the Zoom chat. 

  2. Negative form: 

Task 2: Numbers!

  1. Do you remember the numbers? 

What is your phone number? 

  1. Let’s do some extra practice in the main room. You will count the items, and the first with the answer, activates the microphone. Click HERE

Task 3: Pictionary!

  1. Depending on your group, click on the link. 







  1. The teacher will give you a list of words. You will draw your item and your partner needs to guess. DO NOT SAY A WORD! 

Task 4: Verb to be

  1. Who is he? 

  1. Who is she? 

  1. Who is he? 

Task 5: Verb to be

Let’s read the next sentences/questions and make them questions/sentences: 

  1. I am a doctor. = Am I a doctor? 

  2. Are you my friend? = You are my friend. 

  3. He is my dad. = ______________________________

  4. She is my teacher. = __________________________

  5. Are they classmates= ____________________________

  6. Are we in the same class? = _________________________

What is the negative form of 1, 3, and 4?

Task 6: Verb to be

  1. Click HERE to work on an extra activity in breakout rooms. 

  2. Click HERE for an extra activity. 

Task 7: Directions

  1. Let’s discuss: 

Are there clothing stores in your neighborhood? 

Is there an ATM? 

Are there parks? 

Is there a restaurant? 

Task 8: Look at the map 🤓

  1. Is there a __________ on _________?

  2. How do we get to _________________?

Ask the same questions to your partner in breakout rooms. REMEMBER to give directions!


Ask your teacher for today's feedback.

Exit ticket!

Ready for the test?

Any questions? 


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